Deprecated X font backend

Deprecated X font backend — Font handling and rendering with the deprecated X font backend


#define             PANGO_RENDER_TYPE_X
PangoContext*       pango_x_get_context                 (Display *display);
void                pango_x_context_set_funcs           (PangoContext *context,
                                                         PangoGetGCFunc get_gc_func,
                                                         PangoFreeGCFunc free_gc_func);
GC                  (*PangoGetGCFunc)                   (PangoContext *context,
                                                         PangoColor *color,
                                                         GC base_gc);
void                (*PangoFreeGCFunc)                  (PangoContext *context,
                                                         GC gc);
void                pango_x_render                      (Display *display,
                                                         Drawable d,
                                                         GC gc,
                                                         PangoFont *font,
                                                         PangoGlyphString *glyphs,
                                                         gint x,
                                                         gint y);
void                pango_x_render_layout_line          (Display *display,
                                                         Drawable drawable,
                                                         GC gc,
                                                         PangoLayoutLine *line,
                                                         int x,
                                                         int y);
void                pango_x_render_layout               (Display *display,
                                                         Drawable drawable,
                                                         GC gc,
                                                         PangoLayout *layout,
                                                         int x,
                                                         int y);
typedef             PangoXSubfont;
#define             PANGO_X_MAKE_GLYPH                  (subfont,index_)
#define             PANGO_X_GLYPH_SUBFONT               (glyph)
#define             PANGO_X_GLYPH_INDEX                 (glyph)
PangoFont*          pango_x_load_font                   (Display *display,
                                                         const gchar *spec);
PangoGlyph          pango_x_get_unknown_glyph           (PangoFont *font);
gboolean            pango_x_has_glyph                   (PangoFont *font,
                                                         PangoGlyph glyph);
int                 pango_x_list_subfonts               (PangoFont *font,
                                                         char **charsets,
                                                         int n_charsets,
                                                         PangoXSubfont **subfont_ids,
                                                         int **subfont_charsets);
PangoFontMap*       pango_x_font_map_for_display        (Display *display);
void                pango_x_shutdown_display            (Display *display);
PangoXFontCache*    pango_x_font_map_get_font_cache     (PangoFontMap *font_map);
char*               pango_x_font_subfont_xlfd           (PangoFont *font,
                                                         PangoXSubfont subfont_id);
gboolean            pango_x_find_first_subfont          (PangoFont *font,
                                                         char **charsets,
                                                         int n_charsets,
                                                         PangoXSubfont *rfont);
PangoGlyph          pango_x_font_get_unknown_glyph      (PangoFont *font,
                                                         gunichar wc);
gboolean            pango_x_apply_ligatures             (PangoFont *font,
                                                         PangoXSubfont subfont,
                                                         gunichar **glyphs,
                                                         int *n_glyphs,
                                                         int **clusters);
void                pango_x_fallback_shape              (PangoFont *font,
                                                         PangoGlyphString *glyphs,
                                                         const char *text,
                                                         int n_chars);
PangoXFontCache*    pango_x_font_cache_new              (Display *display);
void                pango_x_font_cache_free             (PangoXFontCache *cache);
XFontStruct*        pango_x_font_cache_load             (PangoXFontCache *cache,
                                                         const char *xlfd);
void                pango_x_font_cache_unload           (PangoXFontCache *cache,
                                                         XFontStruct *fs);


The functions and macros in this section are for use with the old X font backend which used server-side bitmap fonts. This font backend is no longer supported, and attempts to use it will produce unpredictable results. Use the Xft or Cairo backend instead.



#define PANGO_RENDER_TYPE_X "PangoRenderX"


PANGO_RENDER_TYPE_X is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

A string constant identifying the X renderer. The associated quark (see g_quark_from_string()) is used to identify the renderer in pango_find_map().

pango_x_get_context ()

PangoContext*       pango_x_get_context                 (Display *display);


pango_x_get_context is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Retrieves a PangoContext appropriate for rendering with X fonts on the given display.

display : an X display (As returned by XOpenDisplay().)
Returns : the new PangoContext.

pango_x_context_set_funcs ()

void                pango_x_context_set_funcs           (PangoContext *context,
                                                         PangoGetGCFunc get_gc_func,
                                                         PangoFreeGCFunc free_gc_func);


pango_x_context_set_funcs is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Sets the functions that will be used to get GC's in various colors when rendering layouts with this context.

context : a PangoContext.
get_gc_func : function called to create a new GC for a given color.
free_gc_func : function called to free a GC created with get_gc_func.

PangoGetGCFunc ()

GC                  (*PangoGetGCFunc)                   (PangoContext *context,
                                                         PangoColor *color,
                                                         GC base_gc);


PangoGetGCFunc is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Specifies the type of the function used to create a new GC for a given color.

context : a PangoContext.
color : the color to create a new GC for.
base_gc : the GC to base the new GC on.
Returns : the new GC.

PangoFreeGCFunc ()

void                (*PangoFreeGCFunc)                  (PangoContext *context,
                                                         GC gc);


PangoFreeGCFunc is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Specifies the type of the function used to free a GC created with the corresponding PangoGetGCFunc function.

context : a PangoContext.
gc : the GC to free.

pango_x_render ()

void                pango_x_render                      (Display *display,
                                                         Drawable d,
                                                         GC gc,
                                                         PangoFont *font,
                                                         PangoGlyphString *glyphs,
                                                         gint x,
                                                         gint y);


pango_x_render is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Renders a PangoGlyphString onto an X drawable.

display : the X display.
d : the drawable on which to draw string.
gc : the graphics context.
font : the font in which to draw the string.
glyphs : the glyph string to draw.
x : the x position of start of string (in pixels).
y : the y position of baseline (in pixels).

pango_x_render_layout_line ()

void                pango_x_render_layout_line          (Display *display,
                                                         Drawable drawable,
                                                         GC gc,
                                                         PangoLayoutLine *line,
                                                         int x,
                                                         int y);


pango_x_render_layout_line is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Renders a PangoLayoutLine onto an X drawable.

display : the X display.
drawable : the drawable on which to draw.
gc : GC to use for uncolored drawing.
line : a PangoLayoutLine.
x : the x position of start of string (in pixels).
y : the y position of baseline (in pixels).

pango_x_render_layout ()

void                pango_x_render_layout               (Display *display,
                                                         Drawable drawable,
                                                         GC gc,
                                                         PangoLayout *layout,
                                                         int x,
                                                         int y);


pango_x_render_layout is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Renders a PangoLayout onto an X drawable.

display : the X display.
drawable : the drawable on which to draw.
gc : GC to use for uncolored drawing.
layout : a PangoLayout.
x : the x position of the left of the layout (in pixels).
y : the y position of the top of the layout (in pixels).


typedef guint16 PangoXSubfont;


PangoXSubfont is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

The PangoXSubFont type is an integer ID that identifies one particular X font within the fonts referenced in a PangoFont.


#define PANGO_X_MAKE_GLYPH(subfont,index_) ((subfont)<<16 | (index_))


PANGO_X_MAKE_GLYPH is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Make a glyph index from a PangoXSubFont index and a index of a character with the corresponding X font.

subfont : a PangoXSubfont index
index_ : the index of a character within an X font.


#define PANGO_X_GLYPH_SUBFONT(glyph) ((glyph)>>16)


PANGO_X_GLYPH_SUBFONT is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Extract the subfont index from a glyph index.

glyph : a PangoGlyphIndex


#define PANGO_X_GLYPH_INDEX(glyph) ((glyph) & 0xffff)


PANGO_X_GLYPH_INDEX is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Extract the character index within the X font from a glyph index.

glyph : a PangoGlyphIndex

pango_x_load_font ()

PangoFont*          pango_x_load_font                   (Display *display,
                                                         const gchar *spec);


pango_x_load_font is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Loads up a logical font based on a "fontset" style text specification. This is not remotely useful (Pango API's generally work in terms of PangoFontDescription) and the result may not work correctly in all circumstances. Use of this function should be avoided.

display : the X display.
spec : a comma-separated list of XLFD's.
Returns : a new PangoFont.

pango_x_get_unknown_glyph ()

PangoGlyph          pango_x_get_unknown_glyph           (PangoFont *font);


pango_x_get_unknown_glyph is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Returns the index of a glyph suitable for drawing unknown characters; you should generally use PANGO_GET_UNKNOWN_GLYPH() instead, since that may return a glyph that provides a better representation of a particular char. (E.g., by showing hex digits, or a glyph representative of a certain Unicode range.)

font : a PangoFont.
Returns : a glyph index into font.

pango_x_has_glyph ()

gboolean            pango_x_has_glyph                   (PangoFont *font,
                                                         PangoGlyph glyph);


pango_x_has_glyph is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Checks if the given glyph is present in a X font.

font : a PangoFont which must be from the X backend.
glyph : the index of a glyph in the font. (Formed using the PANGO_X_MAKE_GLYPH macro)
Returns : TRUE if the glyph is present.

pango_x_list_subfonts ()

int                 pango_x_list_subfonts               (PangoFont *font,
                                                         char **charsets,
                                                         int n_charsets,
                                                         PangoXSubfont **subfont_ids,
                                                         int **subfont_charsets);


pango_x_list_subfonts is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Lists the subfonts of a given font. The result is ordered first by charset, and then within each charset, by the order of fonts in the font specification.

font : a PangoFont.
charsets : the charsets to list subfonts for.
n_charsets : the number of charsets in charsets.
subfont_ids : location to store a pointer to an array of subfont IDs for each found subfont; the result must be freed using g_free().
subfont_charsets : location to store a pointer to an array of subfont IDs for each found subfont; the result must be freed using g_free().
Returns : length of the arrays stored in subfont_ids and subfont_charsets.

pango_x_font_map_for_display ()

PangoFontMap*       pango_x_font_map_for_display        (Display *display);


pango_x_font_map_for_display is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Returns a PangoXFontMap for display. Font maps are cached and should not be freed. If the font map for a display is no longer needed, it can be released with pango_x_shutdown_display().

display : an X Display.
Returns : a PangoXFontMap for display.

pango_x_shutdown_display ()

void                pango_x_shutdown_display            (Display *display);


pango_x_shutdown_display is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Free cached resources for the given X display structure.

display : an X Display

pango_x_font_map_get_font_cache ()

PangoXFontCache*    pango_x_font_map_get_font_cache     (PangoFontMap *font_map);


pango_x_font_map_get_font_cache is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Obtains the font cache associated with the given font map.

font_map : a PangoXFontMap.
Returns : the PangoXFontCache of font_map.

pango_x_font_subfont_xlfd ()

char*               pango_x_font_subfont_xlfd           (PangoFont *font,
                                                         PangoXSubfont subfont_id);


pango_x_font_subfont_xlfd is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Determines the X Logical Font Description for the specified subfont.

font : a PangoFont which must be from the X backend.
subfont_id : the id of a subfont within the font.
Returns : A newly-allocated string containing the XLFD for the subfont. This string must be freed with g_free().

pango_x_find_first_subfont ()

gboolean            pango_x_find_first_subfont          (PangoFont *font,
                                                         char **charsets,
                                                         int n_charsets,
                                                         PangoXSubfont *rfont);


pango_x_find_first_subfont is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Looks for subfonts with the charset charset, in font, and puts the first one in *rfont.

font : A PangoFont.
charsets : An array of charsets.
n_charsets : The number of charsets in charsets.
rfont : A pointer to a PangoXSubfont.
Returns : TRUE if *rfont now contains a font.

pango_x_font_get_unknown_glyph ()

PangoGlyph          pango_x_font_get_unknown_glyph      (PangoFont *font,
                                                         gunichar wc);


pango_x_font_get_unknown_glyph is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Returns the index of a glyph suitable for drawing wc as an unknown character.


font : a PangoFont.
wc : the Unicode character for which a glyph is needed.
Returns : a glyph index into font.

pango_x_apply_ligatures ()

gboolean            pango_x_apply_ligatures             (PangoFont *font,
                                                         PangoXSubfont subfont,
                                                         gunichar **glyphs,
                                                         int *n_glyphs,
                                                         int **clusters);


pango_x_apply_ligatures is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Previously did subfont-specific ligation. Now a no-op.

font : unused
subfont : unused
glyphs : unused
n_glyphs : unused
clusters : unused
Returns : FALSE, always.

pango_x_fallback_shape ()

void                pango_x_fallback_shape              (PangoFont *font,
                                                         PangoGlyphString *glyphs,
                                                         const char *text,
                                                         int n_chars);


pango_x_fallback_shape is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

This is a simple fallback shaper, that can be used if no subfont that supports a given script is found. For every character in text, it puts the unknown glyph.

font : A PangoFont.
glyphs : A pointer to a PangoGlyphString.
text : UTF-8 string.
n_chars : Number of UTF-8 seqs in text.


typedef struct _PangoXFontCache PangoXFontCache;


PangoXFontCache is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

A PangoXFontCache caches XFontStructs for a single display by their XLFD name.

pango_x_font_cache_new ()

PangoXFontCache*    pango_x_font_cache_new              (Display *display);


pango_x_font_cache_new is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Creates a font cache for the specified display.

display : an X display.
Returns : The newly allocated PangoXFontCache, which should be freed with pango_x_font_cache_free().

pango_x_font_cache_free ()

void                pango_x_font_cache_free             (PangoXFontCache *cache);


pango_x_font_cache_free is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Frees a PangoXFontCache and all associated memory. All fonts loaded through this font cache will be freed along with the cache.

cache : a PangoXFontCache

pango_x_font_cache_load ()

XFontStruct*        pango_x_font_cache_load             (PangoXFontCache *cache,
                                                         const char *xlfd);


pango_x_font_cache_load is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Loads a XFontStruct from a X Logical Font Description. The result may be newly loaded, or it may have been previously stored.

cache : a PangoXFontCache
xlfd : the X Logical Font Description to load.
Returns : The font structure, or NULL if the font could not be loaded. In order to free this structure, you must call pango_x_font_cache_unload().

pango_x_font_cache_unload ()

void                pango_x_font_cache_unload           (PangoXFontCache *cache,
                                                         XFontStruct *fs);


pango_x_font_cache_unload is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Frees a font structure previously loaded with pango_x_font_cache_load().

cache : a PangoXFontCache
fs : the font structure to unload